Malayalam superstar Mohanlal is busy with multiple languages these days. The actor, who is returning to Tamil films with Illayathalapathy Vijay starrer Thalaivaa, will be making his comeback to Sandalwood with Puneet Rajkumar starrer forthcoming movie. The Malayalam actor's portions have been shot. Mohanlal's scenes were shot along with Archana aka Veda Sastry of Aadinagalu fame recently. After going through several titles, the makers of the movie have zeroed in on the name - Mythri. The film was launched in April 2013, but the title was not finalised then. Reports say that as Puneet Rajkumar was busy with his family holidaying in the US, the portion of Mohanlal and Archana's portions were shot. Mohanlal plays the role of a scientist in the forthcoming Kannada movie. Now, the Power Star of Kannada film industry has joined the shoots. Rumour mills say that the movie is loosely inspired by Hollywood movie Slumdog Millionaire. It is directed by Giriraj and produced by Vajreshwari Kumar.


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