Kannada film industry is all set to welcome yet another Malayali actress. After Bhama, Parvathi Menon, Priyamani, Nayantara, Navya Nair and Bhavana,2013-07-10 fast-growing actress Amala Paul is gearing up to make her debut in Sandalwood. Amala Paul has been reportedly approached by the director of Ambareesh, Mahesh Sukhdhare, who has offered the film to her and waiting for her response. It is said that she is likely to give her nod soon. Meanwhile, the director has also plans to cast an actress from Karnataka. It is believed that Darshan, whose banner has given opportunity for a few local faces on earlier occasions, suggested Mahesh Sukhdhare to choose a Kannada actress. The director might cast a local talent for the second fiddle and rumour has it that Shweta Srivatsav of Simple Agi Ondh Love Story fame is in the race to bag the role. According to the director, Ambareesh is being made with a huge budget. It is a tailor-made role for the Challenging Star. Mahesh Sukhdhare has penned the story and screenplay for the movie. It will hit the floors on August 15.


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