Playing a powerful woman centered character in a big movie will be a life time opportunity for many actresses. While Anushka is still enjoying such rare stardom, charmi who started the trend with films like ‘Mantra, Mangala’ is still finding it hard to catch such offers. One more offer flown into charmi’s kitty off late is ‘Prathi Ghatana’ to be directed and produced by none other than Thammareddy Bharadwaja, AP Film Chamber President.

Story runs around the backdrop of present day politics where in charmi plays a journalist. ‘I am excited listening to the script and confident that my character will be appreciated by all. Though a political subject, it is free from controversies,’ charmi said. To remind so, ‘Prathi Ghatana’ is a Telugu film of Vijayashanti released in 1986. Title is the same but not story and screenplay. Meanwhile, charmi has ‘Prema Oka Maikam’ readying for release.


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