Budding actress Reshma D'souza has kept her promise of starting her acting career in Kannada films. Late Dr Rajkumar had told her that she has the potential to be a good actress and she should work in Sandalwood. Reshma was signed as a lead actress in the movie Goa but because of her dates issues, she had to drop the lead actress role and now she will be seen doing a guest appearance in the movie. But she committed to producer Shankar that she will do his next movie, as a lead actress. Reshma D'souza said, "I am here in South industry just because of Rajkumar. He was the one who found out my inner actress. Being in Kannada industry I want to work with Powerstar Puneet Rajkumar, the son of Annavaru. I have heard a lot about him and his potential towards his work. As a singer and actor he is ruling the Kannada industry and working with him will be a dream comes true. He is known as a kind person and very good human being like his father." Reshma has also signed a multi-starrer Bollywood movie The City That Never Sleeps where she will be seen rubbing her shoulder with Hollywood Hunk Jeremy Williams which is produced by Satish Reddy.
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