Bollywood A-lister and heart-throb Hrithik Roshan has successfully undergone a brain surgery after MRI scans indicated that there might have been a blood clot in the actor’s brain. Hrithik has been nursing severe back and knee injuries but of late he had been experiencing splitting headaches.

Not sure of the reasons behind his headaches, Hrithik’s mother had suggested that he visit the doctor following which the MRI scan had taken. The actor was then admitted at the Hinduja Hospital on Saturday, July 5th for chronic subdural haematoma. The surgery lasted almost an hour and was deemed successful by Hrithik’s dad, Rakesh Roshan and reaffirmed by the star’s wife, Suzanne.

Hrithik made his condition known to his fans through a facebook post and messages of prayers and good luck had begun to pour in. The family is grateful for the support of the fans and well wishers and say that Hrithik will be discharged in a couple of days.


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