Biriyani directed by Venkat Prabhu is fast nearing completion and the director is quite happy with the way things are progressing. In a recent interview, Venkat Prabhu divulged that the script of Biriyani was first narrated to Ilaya Thalapathy Vijay but due to paucity of dates, the Thuppaakki star could not do the film.
However when Karthi listened to the story, he immediately said, “Order one plate for me”. So that’s how Karthi came into the film and according to Venkat Prabhu, the Paruthi Veeran hero is faster than lightning in his imbibing of the character and delivering it perfectly. His sprightly nature and the ‘boy next door’ looks are the major reasons for his popularity. Venkat Prabhu is also confident that Biriyani will take Karthi to wider sections of the audience.
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